Parishes of Trinity, Waterford and St. Mark

In July and August there will be an 8:00am service of HC at St. Mark’s


14      10:30am     Holy Communion                     Rev. Dan McMullen   Trinity

                                                                                Rev. Canon Paul       St. Mark’s

21      10:30am      Holy Communion                     Rev. Canon Paul       Trinity

                                                                                Rev. Dan                  St. Mark’s

28      10:30am      Holy Communion                    Rev. Canon Paul      St. John’s Anglican                                                                                             Waterford - combined


4        10:30am      Holy Communion                    Rev. Canon Paul      St. Mark’s – combined

11      10:30am      Holy Communion                    Rev. Canon Paul      Trinity – combined

18      10:30am      Holy Communion                    Rev. Dan                  All Saints – combined

           2:00pm      Memorial Service                     Rev. Dan                 St. John’s  Waterford

25      10:30am      Holy Communion                    Rev. Dan                  Trinity – combined

25      2:00pm       Holy Communion                    Rev. Dan                 St. John’s  Highfield


1        10:30am      Holy Communion                    Rev. Dan                 St. Mark’s - combined


Weekly Small Groups

Wednesdays    – Women’s Bible Study at Trinity will resume in the fall.

                         - Half-week Hallelujah & informal eucharist at Trinity 2:00pm

Thursdays       – ‘Upper Corner Café' at St. Mark’s 10:00am

                            Reading John at 11:00am

Saturdays        - Men’s Bible Study at St Mark’s resumes in the fall

 Dates to Remember

 July 21   - Londonderry Service 2:30pm

August 18 - Waterford Cemetery Memorial Service at 2:00pm     

August 25 – Service of Holy Communion at St. John’s Anglican  Church  Highfield, at 2:00pm    

September 28 - Celebration of New Ministy Service  at 3:00pm


Tuesday Teasers are on Trinity's Facebook page by mid afternoon


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Sunday Services in person and online

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